DSV Acts

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Hearts and Tarts

Hearts and Tarts - a classic fan dance in pink and blue fantasy. Featuring Danielle Saint Velvet’s dreamy, pastel ostrich feather fans. Ending on high note in hot jazz, bump and grind. Featured at “Embers & Ashes” in 2018 Toronto Burlesque Festival at Mod Club.


Madame Lou Lou

Madame LOU LOU - “The head without worries, the heart like wax and sweet angelic face Madame Loulou…” a beautiful tribute to the 1930’s warbley recording of an old Polish chanson by Adam Aston. A peek into the antique filled boudoir of the angelic Madame Lou Lou. Emotive and seductive vintage strip tease.



Created for “Belly Set Go” directors JO BORING and Tessa TruHeart 2019 inaugural production of NUTCRACKER NOIR, murder series at Homer Center for the Arts in Homer NY. This act features a mysterious, enchantress in chains and pearls in a punk-belly-lesque take on Tchaikovsky “Arabian Coffee.” Ending in a tornado of Danielle’s veil dance in 10 feet of Myrrh and Tonka perfumed copper silk.


Clair De LUNE

Debuted at the 2018 Empire Burlesque Festival this modern take on the classic piano number Clair De Lune is mixed and funked up to French Pop music by Polo and Pana. 80’s does 1880’s melancholia Moonchild number in a one of a kind liquid latex serpent skirt and celestial inspired glass bead and mirrored headdress that throws a light show all of its own around the theater. This heavenly act features modern movement techniques and builds into impressive, liquid - flexible floor work, contortion and acrobatic feats.


L-O-V-E Stinks!

A saucy, modern pinUP DSV interprtation of a classic balloon dance.


Falling For YOU

Danielle Saint Velvet in her newest VINATGE themed striptease. A peachy keen OSTRICH FEATHER FAN DANCE features VICE and VINTAGE Peignoir and custom dyed feathers and boa. A showstopping, soul crushing fan dance of the modern day.



Danielle Saint Velvet in her floofiest creation yet. This HIGH energy routine features a bump n grind panel skirt in turqouise boa. “Strollin” is a RETRO MASH UP! Danielle Saint Velvet works up a crowd like a tornado of tease in this heart poundin new vintage gogo.